The toilets in your home are likely to be fixtures that you take for granted, even though they are used every day. They get a little attention when it is time to clean them, but seldom do they receive any maintenance or extra attention. As long as they are flushing correctly, you are happy that they are doing their job. But do you know when it is time to think about installing new toilets?
Signs That It Is Time For A New Toilet Installation
Most homeowners never think about a new toilet unless they are remodeling the bathroom or discover damage to their current toilet. But in reality, there are many reasons to think about purchasing a new commode, including:
- It requires frequent repairs
- It clogs often
- The toilet is slow to drain or flush
- The porcelain is cracked or damaged
- It is leaking
How Can Spending Money Save You Money?
There are actually many ways that a new toilet can save you time and money, including:
- Water Damage: If your toilet is leaking, water is soaking into your floors and even the bathroom\’s cabinetry and walls. And those moist building materials will soon be the breeding ground for mold and mildew. A new toilet can save you a substantial amount of frustration and expense related to water damage repair and mold abatement.
- Plumbers Bills: As your toilet ages, it can become a nightmare that requires new components regularly. From replacing the fill valve and water line to new flappers, the cost can add up when you are using a licensed plumber. While many clogs can be removed with just a little effort and a plunger, sometimes the job requires a plumber and a professional drain cleaning to rid the drain and toilet of nasty clogs. Installing a new toilet will eliminate these costly and inconvenient issues.
- Saving Water: Older toilets use up to five gallons of water per flush, which might not sound like a lot until you do some math. If your household flushes the toilet ten times each day, that is around fifty gallons of water. But think about that over the course of a year, and you have exceeded 18,000 gallons just to flush a toilet. But with the installation of a more efficient toilet, you could drop the per flush water usage to about 1.28 gallons. That lowers your annual toilet water usage to just over 4,600 gallons of water, saving over 13,000 gallons of water each year. And there are two benefits to saving water. First, using less water means that your water bill will decrease. And second, water is a limited natural resource. So any way that you can conserve water benefits the environment.
- Increased Property Value: Any new fixture that you install in your home increases its value. So look at a new toilet as an investment in your home and a useful gift to yourself.
Not Sure What To Purchase?
Buying new toilets might sound like a straightforward process. Head to the big box store and grab a couple. But once you get to the plumbing section, you will find that there are many options out there. If you are not sure which to choose, call (912) 236-3333. A Thompson and Thompson Plumbing licensed plumber can help you decide which brand and model will best meet your needs and fit into your budget. And you don\’t even need to worry about picking them up or getting them dragged into the house. Our team will do all the heavy lifting, and we will dispose of the old toilets for you.