If you frequently have clogging issues with your drains, it could be costing you extra money every month. From calling the plumber to buying chemicals at the home improvement store, the costs begin to add up. Here, we will go over the common causes of clogged drains and what you can do to prevent clogs from happening.
Common Household Waste
One of the most common causes of clogged drains is food waste and grease. When food and grease are allowed down the drain, they stick to the walls of your pipes, and over time, it builds up and causes a clog. Other common household waste that we see cause clogged drains include:
- Hair and soap scum build up
- Feminine products
- Toys
- Cat litter
- Mineral buildup
- Excessive toilet paper
- Wipes and Diapers
To prevent these items from clogging your drains and costing you extra money every month in drain cleaners, do your best to keep them from getting down the drain. Grease and cat litter should always be put in the trash can. To prevent hair from getting down the drain, utilize drain screens. These little screens do a great job of collecting hair.
Tree Roots
Another cause of clogged drains that many people don\’t think of is tree roots. In a place like Savannah, which is home to beautiful oak trees, roots can definitely be a plumbing problem. Usually, tree roots enter a pipe due to a tiny crack, but sometimes they can actually penetrate the pipe and work their way inside. Once inside, the tree root will grow and eventually cause the pipe to become clogged. You will need to call a plumber to perform a camera inspection to see if tree roots are the cause of your clogged pipes. Drain cleaners will not fix a tree root problem.
Offset Pipes
If you live in one of Savannah\’s famous historic homes or just a home that has older plumbing, the pipes may be offset, causing a place for the pipes to become clogged. Over time the ground shifts and settles, which causes the pipes to move. In some cases, the pipes can even be shifted in an upward direction, affecting the flow and possibly causing it to back up into your home. You will definitely need to call a plumber if you suspect this is the issue.
Trust the Professionals at Thompson and Thompson
If you live in or around Savannah, Georgia and you are experiencing frequent clogs in your drains and having to spend money on drain cleaners several times a month, it is time to give us a call. We will find the cause of the problem and offer a permanent fix. We have many tools at our disposal to fix clogged pipes, including snakes, hydro jetting, sewer camera inspection, and repiping equipment. There is no drain problem that we can\’t fix! We also offer sewer line repair and septic tank pumping. Call us today for all your plumbing needs!